We saw the new year in with friends James, Lorrie & Alex at a little wooden cabin in the woods at Chute Lake - high in the hills above Lake Okanagan. Just lovely. We'd borrowed a couple of ATV's too and spent the afternoon of the 31st and morning of the 1st whizzing around the forest trails deep in snow. Of course as darkness fell we retreated inside to a blazing fire and a few games of pictionary. It was a long evening of drinking and so I have to admit staying up till midnight was a tall order. We did all make it - a quick swig of bubbly and then off to bed! Chris and I bagged the cozy bed right by the ancient wood stove in the main room of the cabin. It was what you'd call rustic, and with the temperatures we had no running water inside. Chris spent about 2 hours the next morning cooking us all bacon and egg sarnies - wood stoves aren't the easiest to temperature control, especially when hungover!
I got home to read numerous blog posts proclaiming one little word for the year, resolutions, changes to be made blah blah. I'm not into that. I'm happy right now to be where I am and living this life every day and that's good enough for me (but I did manage to clear my inbox today!!)
cute post! I proclaim your one little word to be LIVE!! haha.... any scrap retreats on your itinerary for the year? I don't have any... My husband and I are planning a few DMB travel excursions - so that will leave my scrapping to take a back burner... oh well, I rather see DMB and scrap at home :) Have a great new year and take care!! Congrats on clearing that inbox.... I always hate that.... I still have cleared mine yet this year.... argh